Youth Group

Youth Group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday of every month, from 5:00-6:30pm.
Grades: 6th-12th

For those who want to be kept up to date on happenings with PUMC Youth group meetings, here are some ways we have communication and information available: to be added please contact

​Texting: We have a group text for each age group that is used for reminders and updates on events and meetings that goes out to parents and students. We use GroupMe for this feature, as it allows free texts to go through, and allows people to respond back for questions or RSVP-ing. If you would like to be added to this, please email your interest, which group or groups you’d like to join(we have a middle school and high school one), and your cell phone number you would like to be used for this:

If you are interested in joining our Youth Group or want to become a volunteer please reach out to Kelly Cain.